Safety, Precision & Redundancy.
Redundancy and procedures are a huge part of what we do, having started in the early days of drone technology when they were a lot less reliable we know the damage they can inflict and take every caution possible to fly safely and within the laws of the sky.- We were the first in Australia to import ballistic Parachute system into the country as part of Parazeros Beta program. These are integral to our procedures and we fit them to all our drones, they play an important part in flying safety, together with many layers of redundancy like multiple batteries, ECU, GPS and for our most import work we use RTK base stations to give accurate reading of height but most importantly it mitigates interference, meaning we fly safer than our competition.
ParaZero’s SafeAir is the #1 safety system on the market for commercial drones. The SafeAir system protects bystanders on the ground, prevents loss of payload, and safeguards your drone equipment by ensuring your drone always lands safely.
ParaZero’s solutions are designed to comply with the future regulation that enables safe flight operations over populated areas and beyond visual line of sight.
RTK base stations are used on our heavy lift and medium size drones, together with 2 and 3 GPS units means we can minimise the risk of any interference. D-RTK is a high precision navigation and positioning system specially designed for DJI A3 series flight controllers. Using dynamic differential technology, it provides ultra-accurate, centimeter level 3D positioning. This enhanced accuracy over typical barometer, compass and GPS systems makes D-RTK essential for commercial, industrial and scientific applications where accuracy is imperative.
As licensed operators we have to adhere to a large range of procedures outlines by the governing body CASA and Air Services Australia. This includes regular maintenance checks and extensive record keeping, We go beyond this and were part of the BETA testing of this extremely well tested parachute system, they now are fitted to all of our medium and large Drones. We liaise directly with SAPOL, the council, even security at the major event spaces so that when it comes to shooting nothing bar weather gets in our way.