Helicopter / Cinematography+Photography.
There are certain photos that you are only going to capture from an aircraft. And the helicopter is an extremely flexible aircraft platform to shoot from. Another reason to use a Helicopter is shots that requires flight within 3NM of an airport.
1. Fly Higher and Longer
An advantage that helicopters can offer is their ability to fly at generally higher altitudes than a drone. Helicopters are great when capturing panoramic footage of large areas like cities and events. They are able to fly further than any commercially available drone. Helicopters can fly for hours and miles as opposed to drones that can only for minutes and within your line of sight.
2. Shooting Location Flexibility
One benefit of helicopters is the ability to shoot across many different locations. Sometimes projects require multiple aerial shots across different locations. With a drone, this can be time prohibitive and difficult to achieve. However, helicopters can not only take the videos but transport the crew as well which makes multi-location shoots easier to manage.