Creators for the film & tv industry.
Industry Leading Tech.
We use the best technology available, from the industry leading DJI Zenmuse X7 and CineLens pack, on the Inspire 2 platform. Capable of shooting in 6K Full RAW video resolution and in Apple ProRes 422HQ or 4444XQ, or Cinema DNG to the heavy lift M600 PRO with D-RTK.We have many years of experience working within the aerial cinematography industry for arrange of commercial clients.
In Australia Airworks holds a CASA certification for night operations and also the ability to fly 15 meter to people. While being a skilled pilot is essential our background is in cinematography and photography with an emphasis on framing a shot with the pilot in control of the camera, its settings and the ability to shoot with purpose knowing that every pixel counts and allowing post production the most dynamic range and most of all planning with experience how to shoot in the perfect light. This knowledge is complimented by state of the art tech and many years of experience in remote control flying. Our aerial drone scan replace the limitations of real helicopters, jibs, booms, cranes, zip lines and dollys. We have real time HD video downlink and long distance remote follow focus capabilities allowing the director, pilot and remote aerial camera operator to manoeuvre, frame and capture the perfect shot. We work anywhere in the world on high end Ad or Brand based productions, TV commercials, Video clips, Documentaries, plus corporate and low budget work with our smallest drones.
Tennis SA Roof Install.
We had the incredible opportunity to film and cover the difficult process of delivering huge pieces of Truss to the Adelaide Tennis Centre. It was a unique process of rolling road closures and filming the largest piece travelling only about 15km took almost 8 hours.
MAVIC Cycling Shoe.
This was a joint partnership with sister company CR3, creating visuals with one of the best cyclists in the world during the tour down under. This was for the launch of a very special shoe made completely out of Carbon Fibre the first in the world.
This was another unique opportunity working with KOJO and an empty stadium with full control of lighting to create the two teams colours and capture shots around the stadium.
Santos LED Install.
This was an exciting project to be tasked with, right in the middle of the CBD we were able to capture this install and finished product.